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Ihre Vorteile im Gesundheitswesen

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Das Kuratorium des MCASF  Lokale 725 Gesundheit & Wohlfahrt  Trust Fund freut sich, Sie im Gesundheitswesen begrüßen zu dürfen  Webseite. Auf dieser Website haben Sie jetzt 24 Stunden am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche Zugriff auf häufig angeforderte Formulare, nützliche hervorgehobene Links und häufig gestellte Fragen zu Ihren Leistungsinformationen.

Doctor and Patient

About the Health Fund

The MCASF Local 725 Health & Welfare Trust Fund is a healthcare plan. The Plan most recently was amended and restated, effective July 1, 2021, and subsequently may be amended from time to time to make necessary and desirable changes.

The Plan is managed by a Board of Trustees comprised of both Local Union 725 and MCASF representatives. This site provides Participants with online access to complete information about your Healthcare Plan.

Family Entertainment

It's That Time Again.....

Annual Family Statement

Each year, the Health Fund sends out it's Annual Family Statement, which ensures that the Fund has up-to-date information on you and your eligible dependents.

Why is this information required? The MCASF Local 725 Health & Welfare Fund is self-funded, which simply means we pay for each approved claims submitted by participants. Trustees of the plan have a fiduciary duty to ensure that plan assets are used appropriately, meaning solely for the benefit of eligible participants - Local 725 members and their eligible dependent family members. The Annual Family Statement allows the plan to ensure plan dollars are being used appropriately, to minimize waste & fraud. This helps plan dollar go further to provide benefits for Local 725 members. It also allows the plan to communicate important information to you regarding your benefits.

If the form is not submitted, your health coverage will be suspended and there will be a delay in the payment of any benefit claims.


Changes To The Health Plan ~ Effective May 1st

MCASF Local 725 Health & Welfare Fund

Summary of Material Modifications

#1 ~ Cellular & Gene Therapy Exclusion, Effective January 2, 2024

#2 ~ Calendar Year Maximum Out of Pocket Expense Change, Effective January 1, 2024

as required by Section 104(b) of ERISA
Medical Information

Medizinische Vorteile

Ihr medizinisches Leistungsnetzwerk wird von Florida Blue bereitgestellt. Um einen teilnehmenden Hausarzt im Blue Choice-Netzwerk zu finden, rufen Sie bitte an     1-800-664-5295  oder besuchen Sie ihre Website unter 

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For your


Monthly Newsletter

Emotional Agility: A Superpower We Can All Cultivate:

Experiencing a wide range of human emotions is what makes each of us unique. All emotions play a vital role in our overall well-being. It's important to understand that emotions should never be labeled as either good or bad. In reality, all emotions are healthy and serve a purpose, even if they're not always comfortable.

Harnessing Emotional Agility:

Emotional agility is the practice of using feelings as information to help us make decisions based on core values and goals. When we use feelings as data or information, we are not getting swept up in their intensity.

Life Advisor Well-Being Webinar Library:

On demand webinars focusing on work/life balance issues and remedies.

Pregnant Woman



Florida Blue has found some great ways to help give you and your
baby the best care available, even before they are born.

Image by Christin Noelle
Blue Background

A Better You

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Information & webinars for a healthier you...

Construction Worker

Your Prescriptions Are Now Being Handled By


Effective May 1st, Sav Rx became the Health Fund's prescription benefit manager. You should provide your pharmacy with the Sav Rx ID card you received in the mail. This is a prescription insurance card, not a discount card.


Watch this area for more helpful information regarding drug coverage through the Health Fund.

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Patient Portal

Get ready to experience a seamless and convenient way to manage your medications.

The Sav Rx portal puts your Pharmacy Benefits at your fingertips!

Loss of Time

Did you know that if you become totally disabled due to non-occupational bodily injury or sickness while eligible for benefits, the Health Fund will pay you a Loss of Time (Short-Term Disability) benefit.

Benefits will begin as of the first day of disability due to an accident or as of the 8th day of disability due to sickness and will continue for any one period of disability for a maximum of twenty-six (26) weeks. You do not have to be confined to your home to collect benefits, but must be under the care of a physician. 

For a  Loss of Time benefit , you will receive a benefit based on your job classification.

General Foreman, Foreman. R5, R1 & MESJ ~ $500.00 per week

R2 & Apprentice 5th Year ~ $ 360.00 per week

R3, R4, MES2, MES3, Apprentice 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th Year and MAT ~ $250.00 per week

Learn more about the Loss of Time Benefit here

Application is available on the Document tab or

by click on the button to the right

Leg Injury
White Structure

Feeling sluggish or down lately?

it may be your body's way of telling you to eat more nutrient-rich foods. Good nutrition, along with keeping physically active, sleeping well, and managing your stress, is important to healthy aging and reinforces your body's first line of defense against stress and illness. TODAY is the perfect time to develop better eating habits. We've provided two documents below to help you get started.

Image by Elizaveta Kushnirenko

Sav-Rx Mail Order Pharmacy


  • Cost-effective option for long-term maintenance & specialty medications

  • All orders shipped directly to your door for no additional charge

How It Works

  • Send in prescription

  • Pay at time of order

  • Orders shipped to you

  • Convenient refills by phone, the Sav-Rx website, or the Sav-Rx App

How to Send in Prescriptions (3 Options)

  1. Ask your doctor to send the prescription electronically to Sav-Rx in Fremont, NE

  2. Ask you doctor to fax Sav-Rx the prescription at 402-753-2890

  3. Call Sav-Rx with your prescription drug name and your physician's contact information and Sav-Rx will do the rest!


Florida Blue-Blog

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Florida Blue Center

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Accesible via Mobile Devices

You can also use our Text-to-Mobile feature by creating a new text message* on your smartphone. Type 258311 in the "TO" or "Recipients" field, then type BLUE 1024 in the "Message" field and press send. (make sure you leave a space between the word BLUE and the number)


You will then receive a text message reply with a link you can click on to open your digital education kit.


*Standard text messaging rates apply based on your plan and your carrier. 

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For an optimal viewing experience use Internet Explorer 10 or newer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.

Florida Blue is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 

Copyright 2021 Florida Blue; All rights reserved

Map Your Personal Path to Health


Die Wichtigkeit, Ihren Zahnarzt aufzusuchen

Dentist Appointment
Daily Pills
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Helpful Healthcare Links

Image by Bench Accounting

Für mehr Informationen

Wir sind hier um zu helfen!

Wenn Sie Fragen zu Ihren gesundheitlichen Vorteilen oder Anspruchsberechtigungen haben, rufen Sie uns an unter (754) 777-7735

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Your health matters.

Don't miss this important screening reminder.

Getting your Pap smear may help save your life.

You may be due for an important routine screening. Completing your routine Pap smear at least every 3 years (or HPV test every 3 years) is one of the best things you can do to help prevent cervical cancer.

Also, regular screenings allow you to detect abnormalities early and reduce your chances of developing cervical cancer.

Call your primary care doctor or OB-GYN today to schedule your Pap smear or HPV test.

Find answers about cervical cancer and screening options, visit

Image by Christina Deravedisian

Where should I go when I need care?





Sie können Ihre monatliche Prämienzahlung jetzt online mit Ihrem PayPal-Konto vornehmen 

MCASF Lokaler 725 Gesundheitsfonds




Überweisen Sie Ihre monatliche Prämienzahlung, indem Sie auf . klicken

die Schaltfläche unten.

Transparenz in der Abdeckung

Die Einhaltung des CCA und des No Surprises Act durch Ihre Krankenkasse sowie die Transparenz der Deckung.

Die endgültigen Regeln zur Transparenz der Deckung verlangen, dass Gruppenkrankenversicherungspläne ohne Bestandsschutz wie unsere auf einer öffentlichen Website Informationen offenlegen in Bezug auf:

  • Im Netzwerk ausgehandelte Tarife für abgedeckte Artikel und Dienstleistungen

  • Außerhalb des Netzwerks zulässiger Betrag und in Rechnung gestellte Gebühren für abgedeckte Artikel und Dienste


Ab dem 1. Juli 2022 müssen diese maschinenlesbaren Dateien (MRFs) „öffentlich zugänglich gemacht werden und jeder Person kostenlos und ohne Bedingungen zugänglich gemacht werden, wie z file" und muss monatlich aktualisiert werden.

(Diese Dateien sind extrem groß und der Download für eine Einzelperson wird durch Ihre Hardware, Ihren Browser und Ihre Internetgeschwindigkeit beeinträchtigt)​


Sie können auf diese lesbaren Dateien und Dokumente   zugreifen, indem Sie unten klicken

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